Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Final Countdown.....

The countdown is on....127 days until our expected farewell date! There is a sense of excitement in the air, but it is still a little way off and lots of everyday life to live before we leave our little piece of reality for eight months on the road.

I will admit that I have perfected the art of procrastination. Don't get me wrong....I do manage to get a lot done (I am also extremely good at delegating). Especially when I have something that I really should be doing - as this is when everything on my 'To Do' list gets crossed off, and the only thing left to do is that thing that I should have done first!!
Maybe it's not really procrastination at all. It's more to do with the million things that flood my brain from the moment I wake up. There's so much stuff to deal with all at once that I get lost in the stream of life. The problem I have is that I find it difficult with being a bystander. In fact, I can't do it. If there is something to be involved in, I'm your girl! 
However, since our family has made the enormous decision to take a trip around Australia, a whole new "To Do List" has made its' way to the top of the pecking order of "To Do Lists". For instance, here is an example of my new tasks:

~ Fit out caravan with battery back up and solar
~ Change van lighting to LED
~ Change to online bills
~ Investigate the best Mobile Internet options for traveling
~ distance education for Lize
~ Buy Laptop/Tablet for homework/Movies/Emails/Internet
~ Buy some Maxx Trax  
~ Tint van windows
~ Best traveling pots and pans
~ Get new tyres for 4WD
~ New spring mattress for van
~ New deep cycle battery for Prado
~ Pack up house
~ Find a solution to the reason why mozzies love my daughter and I.
~ Stackable storage containers and pull out wire storage racks for van cupboards

Being a natural organiser, there are some things that I will need in our van just to feel proportional. The fact that we are in a van, shouldn't mean that comfort needs to be minimised. This is where my organisational skills come into play, as it is going to be quite a challenge to fit everything into such a tiny space. The ever-growing number of Travel Blogs and Facebook pages out there that document these very issues have been invaluable, and I thank you all for having experienced these things, so that I can learn from your mistakes and successes!